Le Cadeau empoisonné de Charles Saatchi 찰스 사치의 난처한 선물

(…)Si certaines oeuvres sont considérées comme (permanentes); d'aures pourrainet être vendues afin de procéder à de nouvelles acquisitions- une manière, selon Charles Saatchi, de permettre au musée de rester (ancré activement dans les derniers développements de l'art contemporain).
La Saatchi Gallery refuse pour l'instant de dévoiler une liste complète, à l'exception de huit oeuvres clés parmi lesquelles Mon Lit(1998), de ※Tracy Emin, et celles des frères Chapman, de Grayson Perry, Richard Wilson, Emily Prince, Jitish Kallat, Kader Attia, et Zhang Dali.(…)

▲Charles Saatchi
(…)만약 어떤 작품을 영구소장한다면, 다른 작품은 새로운 구매자에게 선보일 기회를 갖을 것이다. 찰스 사치는 미술관에게 작품소장을 그대로 유지해줄 것을 요구했다.
그의 소장 목록 중, 유일하게 8작품을 제외하고-트레이시 에민, 채프먼형제, 그레이슨 페리, 리차드 윌슨, 에밀리 프린스, 지티쉬 칼라트, 장 달리-, 목록 전체를 공개하기를 거부했다.(…)
원문: 20page, Le Journal des Arts numéro333

Grayson Perry

Saint Claire 37 wanks accross Northern Spain


84 x 55 x 55 cm

Richard Wilson

 UK city of Liverpool

Emily Prince

American Servicemen and Women Who Have Died in Iraq and Afghanistan (But Not Including the Wounded, Nor the Iraqis nor the Afghanis)

2004 - to present

Pencil on colour coated vellum. Project comprised of 5,213 drawings

Each image: 4 x 3 in. Dimensions variable

Benjamin Ashley Independence, Missouri Date of death: May 24, 2007

2004, Pencil on colour coated vellum,10.2 x 7.6 cm

Jitish Kallat

4,479 fibreglass sculptures

Dimensions variable

Kader Attia


Aluminium foil

Dimensions variable

Holy Land
Kader Attia, Untitled #9 (Holy Land)

Zhang Dali

Chinese Offspring

Mixed media: resin mixed with fibreglass 15 life size cast figures

Average height 170 cm each

Chinese Offspring (Detail)

Mixed media: resin mixed with fibreglass 15 life size cast figures

Average height 170 cm each